دير الزور

خاص|| عوضاً عن عملته، داعش يسلّم موظفي القطاعات وعناصره مرتباتهم بالدولار لهذا الشهر

Special || The source of his salary in the so-called good and Euphrates states in US dollars instead of the currency he issued and began to impose their circulation and the actual entry into its transactions since the end of the year, for reasons Tommy to shorten his funding project and not complemented, a source familiar with Sharqia 24 that the organization delayed delivery of salaries For its elements and for civil servants in the service and medical sectors, which are supported by the virtue of its control, because of the inability to count their value against exchange rates traded in addition to its instrument, which does not fill the areas controlled by the organization, And many other reasons, including the density of the population, especially after the displacement received by the province of Deir al-Zour, which is the depth of Daish at the moment, and non-circulation of the population of hard currency high value, where the precious metals are not commensurate with the physical situation suffered by the people there. The restrictions imposed on them continued.

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